Sam Orr

For the past 7 years I’ve been using washi tape and a scalpel to bring creative expression to living spaces, work spaces, and public spaces in Austin, New York, Portland and Atlanta. While most of my works are murals, I also create pieces on framed plywood.

Growing up, I was more interested in spray paint. As it turns out, most landlords (and mothers) aren’t cool with you spray painting their property. A college buddy introduced me to tape art- he wanted to be a dentist, and the scalpel was a way for him to practice his manual dexterity. He is now a dentist.

I hope my art inspires you to design your own spaces using tape as your art form (a very dope, very low-stakes art form). In other words, get you some tape and let’s roll. Or just let me do it for you. ;)